by Christie_Munro | Oct 25, 2015 | Wills
Mrs Melita Jackson had her Will Contested because she excluded her only child Heather from her Will, which was written in 2002. Mrs Jackson’s reason for the exclusion was because she had been estranged from her daughter Heather since she eloped at the age of 17 with...
by Christie_Munro | Nov 7, 2014 | Wills
Sadly, the intestacy rules may not allow your estate to be distributed as you may expect or wish. Your spouse may not inherit the whole of your estate. If you die leaving a husband, wife or civil partner (“the Spouse”) and you have children your Spouse will take all...
by Christie_Munro | Nov 7, 2014 | Wills
Do I need a Will? I question that I am asked sometimes. Absolutely, if you were to die intestate (without a Will) could your spouse survive on £250,000 and the interest on half of the rest of your estate – not the capital? Cohabiting partners are not automatically...